New Light Box

The New Light Box is a compact and modern polymerization unit provided with last generation multi-die LEDs for light-curing composite resins. A low consumption machine that works on a vacuum pump to avoid the dispersion layer, the New Light Box is perfect to light-cure the Fast Protec wide range of composites at a wave frequency between 360 and 520 nm.



  • Machine 1 pcs **
  • Void Pump 1 pcs **
  • Power Cable 1 pcs **
  • Connection cable for pump 1 pcs **
  • Refill Oil pump 0.08 L

** Not to be sold separate


Via Colloredo 80 – Frazione Modoletto 33010 Pagnacco (UD) – Italia

Tel (+39) 0432 650047 | Fax (+39) 0432 650635

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