Comp Flow Dentine and Incisal

Light-curing material that is easy to inject, finish and polish, perfect for making inlays, crowns and bridges. It is versatile and allows you to create from a few elements to a complete circle through use transparent muffles, all with speed and precision. Mixed with the different Trasformer mattes it offers an unlimited color range and a long aesthetic life.

COLOURS Code (Syringe 3gr) Code ( Syringe 20gr)
Dentine A1/B1
1912001 ND
Dentine A2
1912002 1912002.20
Dentine A3
1912003 1912003.20
Dentine A3.5
1912008 ND
Dentine A4
1912009 ND
Dentine B3/B4
1912010 ND
Dentine C2/C3
1912011 ND
Dentine D2/D3
1912007 ND
Incisal S57
Incisal S58
Incisal S59
Incisal S60

Via Colloredo 80 – Frazione Modoletto 33010 Pagnacco (UD) – Italia

Tel (+39) 0432 650047 | Fax (+39) 0432 650635

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